On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 12:21:51 +0000
"Rowan O'Donoghue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Had TSM 5.1 installed with no problems in this environment before.
> Using Solaris 8, and TSM 5.2
> Upon installing the TSM 5.2 server code I get the following errors:
> Error opening catalog
> /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsm/en_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.ISO8
> 859-15/en_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.ISO8859-15/C.cat, for
> language /e
> n_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.ISO8859-15/en_IE.
> ISO8859-15/C
> ANR0915E Unable to open language
> /EN_IE.ISO8859-15/EN_IE.ISO8859-15/EN_IE.ISO8
> 8859-15/EN_IE.ISO8859-15/EN_IE.ISO8859-15/C for message formatting.
> I assumed that these would just be warning errors, but after using DSMFMT
> to format my database and log volumes I cannot use the DSMSERV FORMAT
> commant as it comes back with a message saying that the format parameters
> are missing!!!??!!!
> Anyone else having this problem?
> I'm using: "DSMSERV FORMAT 1 /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/log1.dsm 1
> /opt.tivoli/tsm/server/bin/db1.dsm"
> The DSMFMT command was tried first, but no joy.
> Is the error in relation to the language the one causing the problems? if
> so, I'm gonna have a problem as the locale on all these servers has to
> stay EN_IE (Irish).
> Anyone? Maybe one for the SUN gurus!
> R.

Did you install the irisch language options with the TSM server?

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

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