I'm new to TSM, so this is probably simple.

I'm using TSM for Windows 5.2 on a Windows 2000 box, and I'm trying to
backup a local drive (D:) as a test.  I'm deliberately using an old DAT
drive so I can see how TSM handles multiple tape backups and the reclaim
feature etc.

Unfortunately, tape 1 fills up in the middle of the night, and by the
time I arrive in the morning, the backup has failed because noone has
changed the tape quickly enough.  The Event Log shows this error:-

ANR8351E:  006: Mount request for volume SCRTCH has timed out

once an hour for 4 hours.

I've tried editing the options file using a text editor and increasing
both RESOURCETIMEOUT and MOUNTWAIT, but neither option seems to have any
effect.  Surely it's possible to get TSM to wait indefinitely until
someone changes a tape????????

Martin Walder

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