Hello! I am curently installing a TSM 5.2 server on a SuSe Linux 8 Enterprise Server with a SAN-attached StorageTek L40 library with 2 IBM T200 ULTRIUM tape drives and have run into some problems.
The Linux server can see the STKL40 library and both IBM T200 drives (shows up OK in dmesg, /proc/scsi/scsi and /proc/scsi/sg/device_strs), although when trying to access the second drive I am getting garbled output when querying the generic scsi device /dev/sg[0-9]) with tapeinfo or scsiinfo -i. mt (mtst) reports the device as busy when querying the /dev/IBMtape1 device which gets created by IBMtapeconfig. There is nothing wrong with the second drive as when only the library and that drive is connected to the SCSI bus on the L40 SAN router everything works fine. Does anyone recognise this problem or have any suggestions on what to pursue in further troubleshooting? This is the setup: Server: SuSe Linux 8 Enterprise server with kernel 2.4.19-233 (64GB, SMP) Qlogic QLA2310F with firmware 3.02.16 Qlogic drivers tested are, 6.05.beta9 and IBMtape 1.3.5.i386 (for the tape drives) IBMtapeutil 1.1.6.i386 tsmscsi 5.2 devdvr (for the library) This is attached via a brocade switch to the STKL40. Library: StorageTek L40 with built-in Crossroads SAN router. Library firmware is 2.11.01. 2 x IBM T200 ULTRIUM-TD1 drives with firmware 27Q1. Library is set to SCSI ID 0, drives to 1 and 2. They show up as LUN 0, 1 and 2 respectively on the HBA. TIA David Hendén Exist AB