Solaris 2.8 / Client

We have one node that the customer has requested that we use the
encryption feature on. Two questions:

1)     Once the key has been set does it ever change like the client
password? We are using the save option for the key. From the manual --
The encryption key password is saved to the TSM.PWD file in encrypted

2)     If we lose the TSM.PWD file for whatever reason best I can tell
there is no way to restore data to the client. If the key never changes
that we could copy that file somewhere else and copy it back in the
event that it was lost. If it changes on some interval then obviously
the copy of that file will also need to be refreshed..... Thoughts on
how to use this feature and at the same time ensure that you don't lose
the key and as a result access to all of the clients data.

Curt Magura

Lockheed Martin EIS

Orlando Fla.


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