TSM Server (Solaris)
        TSM Client 4.2.3 (Solaris)
        TSM DB 83GB (40% util)
        TSM Log 4.6GB 

        I am having a serious problem with 4 Solaris clients hammering the server 
during their backups.  Each client has a lot of file held on TSM, about 4-5 million 
per node and growing, though not much data, only a couple of hundred GB's per node.  
The server is very responsive when these clients are not backing up, all other backups 
run without lagging the server.  I have about 120 nodes backing up to this server 
        What could be causing this performance problem?  Here is a show logpin during 
last nights backup:

tsm: I02SV1000>show logpin
Dirty page Lsn=4675033.188.3116, Last DB backup Lsn=4677956.167.3489, Transaction table
Lsn=4677883.231.3853, Running DB backup Lsn=0.0.0, Log truncation Lsn=4675033.188.3116 
Lsn=4675033.188.3116, Owner=DB, Length=128
Type=Update, Flags=C2, Action=ExtDelete, Page=6110475, Tsn=0:180594521, 
UndoNextLsn=0.0.0, UpdtLsn=4675033.176.827 ===> ObjName=AF.Bitfiles, Index=12, 
PartKeyLen=1, NonPartKeyLen=7, DataLen=20
The recovery log is pinned by a dirty page in the data base buffer pool. Check the 
buffer pool
statistics. If the associated transaction is still active then more information will 
be displayed
about that transaction. 
Database buffer pool global variables: 
CkptId=25232, NumClean=269056, MinClean=393192, NumTempClean=393216, 
BufPoolSize=393216, BufDescCount=432537, BufDescMaxFree=432537,
DpTableSize=393216, DpCount=124149, DpDirty=124149, DpCkptId=21890, DpCursor=92805,
NumEmergency=0 CumEmergency=0, MaxEmergency=0.
BuffersXlatched=0, xLatchesStopped=False, FullFlushWaiting=False.

Is the large number of DpDirty pages bad?  I think so, but I don't know the techincal 
details behind this value.  The log is at 0% util when backups start during the 
evening and by midnight last night, the log was up to 80% and climbing rapidly.  Once 
I cancel these 4 clients from backing up, the log stops filling so rapidly.  Does 
anyone else have problems with clients that have large numbers of small files?  How do 
you handle backing them up?  It seems like these nodes take 8-10 hours a piece which 
seems very slow.

Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can provide!

Michael French
Savvis Communications
IDS01 Santa Clara, CA
(408)450-7812 -- desk
(408)239-9913 -- mobile

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