I have a small TSM server that has a damaged volume.  The volume has a small amount of 
data on it, .7 %.  The volume was dropped by the operator and damaged.  I currently do 
not have a copy storage pool on site.  I do have a copy storage pool, but it is for 
offsite tapes.
My question is, what is the best and safest way to rebuild this volume?
Volume 100ABN is damaged.  It was in the primary pool, and the operator took it out of 
the library and dropped it.

Heres the output from my stgpool info and volume info:
Storage                      Device          Estimated             Pct       Pct       
High     Low     Next Stora-
Pool Name                Class Name  Capacity               Util      Migr      Mig    
 Mig      ge Pool    
                                                      (MB)                     Pct     
-----------               ----------     ----------               -----     -----     
----     ---       -----------
AIX_BACKUPS     3583LTO1  1,192,659, 297.0     0.0       0.1        90      70         
AIX_DISKCA-       DISK              2,000.0                95.3     0.0          0     
    0     AIX_BACKUPS
AIX_MONTHLY     3583LTO1   61,440,000.0           0.5      2.0        90       70      
AIX_OFFSIT-         3583LTO1    67,944,514              2.2                            
 E_1                                   .8                               
               Storage Pool Name: AIX_BACKUPS
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: 3583LTO1
         Estimated Capacity (MB): 1,192,659,297.0
                        Pct Util: 0.0
                        Pct Migr: 0.1
                     Pct Logical: 98.9
                    High Mig Pct: 90
                     Low Mig Pct: 70
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes: 
               Next Storage Pool: 
            Reclaim Storage Pool: 
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
                     Description: AIX Backups
               Overflow Location: 
           Cache Migrated Files?: 
                      Collocate?: Yes
           Reclamation Threshold: 70
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 5,000
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?: No
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
        Reclamation in Progress?: No      
Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed: 
  Last Update by (administrator): UHO
           Last Update Date/Time: 11/21/02   18:01:39
        Storage Pool Data Format: Native
            Copy Storage Pool(s): 
         Continue Copy on Error?: 
                        CRC Data: No                

tsm: TSM1>q vol 100ABN f=d
                   Volume Name: 100ABN
             Storage Pool Name: AIX_BACKUPS
             Device Class Name: 3583LTO1
       Estimated Capacity (MB): 190,734.0
                      Pct Util: .7
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Unavailable
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 94.6
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 16
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 10/09/03   21:43:45
        Approx. Date Last Read: 09/10/03   18:14:56
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 09/10/03   18:14:30
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

Thanks in advance,
James Choate

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