I ran into this a few weeks ago.  I had to format the log and DB
volumes before the restore would work.  Something like:

dsmserv format numberoflogfiles logfilenames numberofdbvolumes


dsmserv format 1 /adsmlog/log1 1 /adsmdb/db1

        You only need to do the prime volumes, not the mirrors.  Once it
formats, run the restore command again.  See this page for reference:


Michael French
Savvis Communications
IDS01 Santa Clara, CA
(408)450-7812 -- desk
(408)239-9913 -- mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Alan Davenport
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: Cannot restore Database

Hello Group,

         I'm trying to restore a TSM database to a disaster recovery
copy of one of our remote TSM servers without success. I installed TSM
onto the DR box, copied the DEVCFG.OUT and VOLHIST.OUT files into the
directory where the new server was built. When I try to restore the
database I get the following error. Any idea where I am going wrong?

ANR0900I Processing options file c:\program
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 09:58:50 on Jun 13 2003.

Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows
Version 5, Release 2, Level 0.0

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990,2003. All rights reserved. U.S.
Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR8200I TCP/IP driver ready for connection with clients on port 1500.
ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 1000 megabytes. ANR0201I
Database assigned capacity is 2000 megabytes. ANR4621I Database backup
device class TAPE2.
ANR4622I   Volume 1: B00004.
ANR4632I Starting point-in-time database restore (no commit). ANR9999D
icrest.c(2076): ThreadId<0> Rc=33 reading header record. ANR2032E
RESTORE DB: Command failed - internal server error detected. Entering
exception handler.


Alan Davenport
Senior Storage Administrator
Selective Insurance Co. of America
(973) 948-1306

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