
I've posted a question a few weeks ago about DLT7000 drives and SDLT320 drives in the 
same library (Storagetek L180). IBM said that the mixed drives are supported in the 
same library. The TSM server is on Windows2000.

I've defined today the library as follows:

define library mixlib libtype=scsi
define path server01 mixlib srctype=server desttype=library device=lb3.0.0.0

define drive mixlib dlt_mt4
define drive mixlib sdlt_mt5
define path server01 dlt_mt4 srctype=server desttype=drive library=mixlib
define path server01 sdlt_mt5 srctype=server desttype=drive library=mixlib
define devclass dlt_class devtype=dlt format=dlt35c library=mixlib
define devclass sdlt_class devtype=dlt format=sdlt320c library=mixlib
define stgpool dlt_pool dlt_class maxscratch=20 (was already defined of course)
define stgpool sdlt_pool sdlt_class maxscratch=20

The first serie of tests went fine: labelling of SDLT tapes
                                               backup of the TSM database to a DLT7000 

I started then the migration from the primary DLT volumes to the SDLT primary pool. 
This confuses me from time to time. The following sitations happened:

1. SDLT volume mounted in SDLT drive and a bit later the move failed with the warning 
ANR1145W (not enough mount points available). All drives and paths were online A 
'query mount' didn't give any other mount requests.

2. SDLT volume mounted in SDLT drive, DLT tape in the other SDLT drive and the 'move 
data'  is successfull.

3. SDLT volume in SDLT drive and DLT tape in DLT7000 drive (that is what I would 
expect). The'move data' is successfull.

If a new 'move data'  is started, you typically see the message 'waiting for a mount 
point in device class sdlt_class or dlt_class. But how does TSM knows which drive 
belongs to which device class? Where is this link defined (through the format:dlt35c / 
sdlt320c in the device class?)? Can you check which drives belongs to a specific 
device class according to TSM?

And why is a DLT tape mounted in a SDLT drive if the DLT drive is ready to be used as 

Any input that will make this more clear to me how TSM chooses a drive is more then 
welcome. Thanks in advance,


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