As I cannot see an answer to this, I will give it a shot.

If you are speaking about virtual volumes for primary stgpools: yes, they 
are sequential volumes just like the tapes. If migration will be from 
diskpool to vvpool many migration processes can run simultaneously. If 
migration is from a tape pool - only one process per pool.

I think you are asking about copypools. In that case you can utilize 
MAXPRocesses parameter of "ba stg" command, and establish several sessions 
with DR site.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Steve Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23.09.2003 07:14
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Granularity of server to server

Hi List. 

Heaven preserve us all from penny-pinching managers.

I've designed a really neat TSM configuration, with ½ my diskpools at my 
prime site, ½ at second site.  Primary tape is a local 3494 copypools are 
on the offsite 3494.  All this is tied together by logical SAN and LAN 
links that encompass both datacentres.

The plan was for a second fibre to be installed between the sites by a 
diverse route.  Problem is we have the money to purchase the second link, 
but not to run it. Ah the joys of working for government.

So, I've been asked to look at a config that uses server to server instead 
of the SAN to tie the two sites together.

I know that with normal data, migrations are done by node, largest node 
first, so that it all your data is from one node you can only use one tape 
drive to migrate.  Is this the same with server to server?

i.e. if my offsite TSM is only a receiver for copypool data from the 
primary TSM, will I be restricted to one migration process?  What if there 
is more than one offsite pool defined on the offsite TSM? 

Any other gotchas?

Would I be better off to split the workload between the two instances and 
have them back-up each other?



Steve Harris
TSM Administrator 
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia 



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