On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 09:02:37 -0600
Mike Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello
> I have a question concerning using a single TSM Server and two libraries.
> 1. Single TSM Server
> 2. first 3494 with 8 3500E drives
> 3. second 3494 with 6 of the new jaguar drives
> 4 TSM Server will see both 3494's
> 5. first 3494 will be used for backups
> 6 second 3494 will be used to do duplexing only
> Can we actually backup to one 3494 and then duplex to another 3494 library.
> I do not believe we can assign a copypool a particular tape range. Since the
> command "ba stg jxn_tapepool copypool02" will backup the tapepool to a
> copypool how can you tell TSM what library to use??
> Thanks
> Mike

each lib has a devclass, each stgpool has a devclass...

so each stg has implicitly a lib tied to it...

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

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