Take a look at the server activity log, for more detail on the error.


On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:36:55PM -0500, Lawrence Clark wrote:
> dsmc arch "/my/directory/*"
> archives nothing and generates error. Anyone seen this?
> Total number of objects inspected:        1
> Total number of objects archived:         0
> Total number of objects updated:          0
> Total number of objects rebound:          0
> Total number of objects deleted:          0
> Total number of objects expired:          0
> Total number of objects failed:           0
> Total number of bytes transferred:        0  B
> Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
> Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
> Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
> Objects compressed by:                    0%
> Elapsed processing time:           00:00:02
> ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your service
> representative.
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/2/2003 7:33:28 AM >>>
> Thank you soooo much!!!!!  It is working perfectly now!
> Joni Moyer
> Systems Programmer
> (717)975-8338
>                       Remco Post
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:
>                       Sent by: "ADSM:          cc:
>                       Dist Stor                Subject:  Re: TSM
> Operational Reporting Tool
>                       Manager"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       .EDU>
>                       10/02/2003 06:21
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       "ADSM: Dist Stor
>                       Manager"
> On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 14:08:11 -0400
> Joni Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello everyone!
> >
> > I have just installed TSM's Operational Reporting Tool and I am
> having
> > problems with the email notification connection.  It keeps telling
> me
> that
> > it is having problems with the SMTP server name.  Here is the
> information
> > I have been given for the 2 mainframe servers that I am trying to
> connect
> > to and email from.  Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?  I though I
> was
> > entering the correct information, but apparently I am still missing
> > something.  I have tried this by entering the IP address for either
> > b390.highmark.com or cpub.highmark.com without any luck.  Thanks in
> > advance!
> >
> Ok, if I understand you correctly, you are trying to monitor the TSM
> service
> on these mainframes and trying to mail their admins. I'd use
> igate.highmark.com as the SMTP server (maybe there is one internal to
> your
> company as well).
> >
> > (Embedded image moved to file: pic04892.jpg)
> >
> > I am putting this information in the email account tab in the column
> > marked as "Using SMTP Server name of IP address".
> >
> > Joni Moyer
> > Systems Programmer
> > (717)975-8338
> --
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Remco Post
> SARA - Reken- en Netwerkdiensten
> http://www.sara.nl
> High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008    Fax. +31 20 668
> 3167
> "I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the
> computer
> industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer
> industry
> didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas
> Adams

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