
I'm wondernig how you folks perform tests of your restoration of production
DB/2 databases?

I envision several major obstacles:

1) Your DR instance machine is going to need, however momentarily, to have
   the password set.  If you're doing PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE, that means
   that, by definition, the other machine's password cache is invalidated.
   Errors ensue if it attempts to archive a log.

2) We handwave the earlier problem out of existance, and we restore the
   database and roll forward to "now".  At that instant, we have -TWO-
   versions of the database, two "worldlines" of activity log, which
   immediately begin to diverge.  When you do DR testing, you test the
   application, not just the database, so I'm actually going to run
   transactions on my DR database.  How do you keep the two instances from
   becoming hopelessly commingled?

Should I just be making a separate TSM instance, and EXPORTing the data there
so as to avoid confusion?  How are you folks solving this problem?

- Allen S. Rout

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