
During a client restore I got errors to restore some files and the restore
freeze ....

The error is about the tape:

11/19/2003 12:41:43  ANR8944E Hardware or media error on drive SRV4
                      (OP=LOCATE, Error Number=5, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=11,
                      Description=Drive or media failure).  Refer to
Appendix D
                      in the 'Messages' manual for recommended action.
11/19/2003 12:41:43  ANR8359E Media fault detected on DLT volume 000126 in
                      drive SRV4 (/dev/mt6) of library SCALAR.

I cancel the restore and made this steps:

1. Run a MOVE DATA  (it's move 40% of the data and keep 14% bad)
2. Run a AUDIT VOL    Here the output:

      11/20/2003 06:45:54  ANR0987I Process 10 for AUDIT VOLUME (REPAIR)
running in
                      the BACKGROUND processed 2 items with a completion
                      of FAILURE at 06:45:54.

3. Make the vol UNAVAILABLE
4. Run the restore again .....

Did those steps are correct or I need to do something else ..........

Please advise ,

Thank you in advance of your assistance.

Robert Ouzen

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