Did you try adjusting your buffersize.  We have ours set at 1024 and see
pretty good performance.

-----Original Message-----
From: Redell, Greg S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 5:59 PM
Subject: Exchange backup performance

Hello all,

I am trying to see if anyone has any quick suggestions on backing up
Exchange 2000.  I am seeing some horrible performance as you can see
from the below stats.  This server has never had speedy TDP backups,
BAclient backups normally are in the 10MB/sec range.

The connection is a gigabit connection, from the tcp transfer tests I
have done with WSTTCP I should be able to hit 18MB/sec.

My Domino servers with 350Gb of data on the same network hit upwards of
14MB/sec.  One thing that I am noticing is that store.exe is consuming
90% of the cpu.

These stats are from a full backup taken when no-one else was using the
TSM server or the exchange server.

12/15/2003 14:23:34 Total storage groups requested for backup:  1
12/15/2003 14:23:34 Total storage groups backed up:             1
12/15/2003 14:23:34 Total storage groups expired:               8
12/15/2003 14:23:34 Total storage groups excluded:              0
12/15/2003 14:23:34 Throughput rate:                            2,956.63
12/15/2003 14:23:34 Total bytes transferred:
12/15/2003 14:23:34 Elapsed processing time:
18,167.84 Secs

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Maybe exchange tuning? Anything is

Windows 2000 SP3

Windows 2000 SP3
Client BA
Client TDP
Exchange Server Version:     6.0.6396.1
BUFFers      3
BUFFERSIze      64

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