
TSM on win2K server, 1 X overland Neo 4100 with 2 X LTO-2 drives
and 60 tape slots.

We may soon acquire a new client machine which will produce data sets of
200GB average, and that client will have RAID capacity to hold up to
3.7TB (18 data sets). But we also need to backup the client to tape, not
necessarily for redundancy, but more so that we don't have to delete older
data sets. Mainly the new library is meant for archival.

What we want to be able to do is store about 100 data sets on tape
backups. Thus we need tape capacity of 20TB compressed. We are looking at
another 4100 with 60 LTO-2 tapes to fulfill this need. That should
certainly do it, as the data set is TIFF so it will compress a bit.

I need confirmation on the following questions:

1) Right now the 4100 (with 2 LTO-2 drives) is attached via SCSI. Can we
attach a second Neo (with 2 LTO-2 drives) to the same SCSI channel? Thus
the SCSI channel will have 2 libraries and 4 drives on it. Is TSM cool
with that?

2) We only want that new client to backup to the new library. Nothing
else will backup or archive to the new library. In order to do that I just
make a new disk storage pool, who's "Next Storage Pool" is the storage
pool that is associated with the new library device class. Is that
correct? But then how do I direct the new client to backup to the new
storage pool? I'm still unclear on that.

Thanks in advance,

---                                                               ---
   Alex Lazarevich | Systems Administrator | Imaging Technology Group
            Beckman Institute - University of Illinois
       [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (217)244-1565 | www.itg.uiuc.edu
---                                                               ---

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