
Forget lan free.  That's Client stuff. You want server stuff that comes bundled.

Set up your remote 3494 so that the TSM1 OS  can see it.  Under AIX you'd use mtlib -l 
/dev/lmcp0 to access one library and mtlib -l /dev/lmcp1 to access the other
Set up your SAN so that the  TSM1 OS can see the remote 3494 drives.  Configure them.
define a new library to TSM1 and point it at the device name of the remote library. If 
you are going to share the library with TSM2 use different 3494 categories.
define new drives to TSM1 in that library with the device name of the remote drives
define a device class to TSM1 that resides in the new library
define a copy storage pool to tsm1 that uses that device class.
Run a backup stg to the new copypool.  
Voila - you have data offsite.

You may have to register a library licence too.

Test that you can restore. :)


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 18/12/2003 7:40:37 >>>
Thanks for your reply. I thought something like this was possible but
had/have no idea how to set it up. Do I need the Tivoli Storage Agent for
this? Unfortunately when IBM shipped the latest base level of TSM, they
forgot to include the Tivoli Storage Agent so I am in the process of trying
to get the base level CD now. If I don't need the Tivoli Storage Agent, can
I do what you described using only the TSM server? I'm just not sure how to
get this all setup but I think once I do, it will save alot of headaches as
I think I should be able to backup our Notes files systems much faster
since the Notes Mail files are stored on a Windows 2000 file server with a
SAN attached drive. Right now they are backed up the conventional way
across the LAN/WAN and it takes a very long time. Instead of me bothering
you too much and wearing out my welcome, is there a manual you know of that
explains how to do all this?
Thanks much for your help and patience,

 Forum:   ADSM.ORG - ADSM / TSM Mailing List Archive
 Date:      Dec 16, 18:40
 From:      Steve Harris <nobody at>
                                                                             Server to 
server will only move data over the wan, there is no lanfree     
 opti=on at this time.                                                     
                                                                             If you 
are only using second site for backup then there is no need for     
 TSM2= at all.                                                             
define your second site library and drives with an new device class   
 an=d stgpools on TSM1                                                     
 Start a backup stgpool and magically, data will transfer to the second      site.     
                                                                             I'm doing 
something like this:                                             
 TSM DB and logs are (AIX) mirrored and my diskpools are split with =BD at  
 e=ach site in separate pools.                                             
 Primary stgpool data flow is [EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                              
 .  The [EMAIL PROTECTED] is normally access=3Dunavailable, so it is usually       
 skippe=d and data goes straight to [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            
 During daily migration I point [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
 All backup stg goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              
 In the event of a disaster, the tsm instance is switched to the second      site=.  
DB and logs run on mirrors and nothing is lost there.  Data in    
 disk stgp=ools is lost and can either be recovered from [EMAIL PROTECTED] or   
 marked as des=troyed and backed up again.  Primary backups are made to go 
 to second site =                                                           
 by making [EMAIL PROTECTED] available.                                                
 Yes its complex, but it works.                                                        
 Steve Harris                                                                AIX and 
TSM Admin                                                          
 Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia                                                 
 >>> jdury AT DUQLIGHT DOT COM 17/12/2003 8:20:34 >>>                        Here is 
 >>> our current setup. We have 2 TSM systems. TSM1 which is where all  
 the TSM clients backup to at night. TSM2 is offsite and only used for       keeping a 
second copy of the TSM1 data using the "BACKUP STGPOOL" command. 
 They are fiber connected like this:                                                   
          Location 1            |        Location 2                           
               Shark1             |              Shark2                                
          |                    |                   |             
 TSM1 - 2109 - 2029 =3D=3D 2029 - 2109 - TSM2                               
                    |                     |                   |                       
3494 Library1      |         3494 Library2                        
 Both TSM1 and TSM2 have a fiber attached 3494 Library in their respective   
 Both TSM1 and TSM2 have a fiber attached shark in their respective          
 We have a few TSM clients that are fiber attached to the Shark drive on     TSM1 give 
that the amount of storage area for that server is rather large. 
                                                                             From my 
understanding, there are LAN free and Server Free options so I     
 would think that I should be able to set it up so TSM1 sends data directly  from it's 
3494 Library to TSM2's 3494 Library via fiber without having to  
 send the data over ethernet.  I'm a little confused on how I make this so.  Or for 
that matter, what my best strategy is at this point. Do I need the  
 Tivoli Storage Agent for this? Would it make the transfer faster? The data  is being 
sent right now but it seems to be pretty slow given that it       
 should                                                                      be 
sending the data via fiber (at least I think).                          
someone shed some light on what my best strategy here is? Or maybe a   
 suggestion on a publication to read for optimising our environment. I just  want to 
make sure that data going from TSM1 to TSM2 is getting there as    
 fast as possible and also that the TSM clients with fiber attached Shark    Drives 
are being backed up as fast as possible.                            

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