Thanks for the help :-), although the volumes count (unnamed[3] in your
example output) is a total volume count, rather than a count of the
volumes in that storage pool.  

But.. as I was reading your reply a friendly DBA came over with this
piece of SQL;

select a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch,count(*) from stgpools a, volumes b
where a.stgpool_name = b.stgpool_name and a.devclass = 'ULTRIUM1' group
by a.stg                pool_name,a.maxscratch

To produce this output;

STGPOOL_NAME            MAXSCRATCH      Unnamed[3]
------------------     -----------     -----------
ONSITE                          30               4
ONSITE_MNT                     150              90
ONSITE_MNT_OFF                  20               9
PERFTEST                        20               6
RMM_ARCH_SHWD                   20               6
RMM_COPY_SHWD                  100              57
RMM_UNIX_SHWD                   70              55
UKS_ARCH_SHWD                   10               5
UKS_ONSITE                      60              26
UKS_ONSITE_COLL                 60              12

Just for comparison, this is what my previous SQL gives (with maxscratch
in the group by clause as you added it)

STGPOOL_NAME            MAXSCRATCH      Unnamed[3]
------------------     -----------     -----------
ONSITE                          30             270
ONSITE_MNT                     150             270
ONSITE_MNT_OFF                  20             270
PERFTEST                        20             270
RMM_ARCHIVE                                    270
RMM_ARCH_PHNX                   20             270
RMM_ARCH_SHWD                   20             270
RMM_COPY_PHNX                   25             270
RMM_COPY_SHWD                  100             270
RMM_DISKPOOL                                   270
RMM_RMAN_PHNX                   40             270
RMM_RMAN_SHWD                   40             270
RMM_UNIX_DISK                                  270
RMM_UNIX_PHNX                   70             270
RMM_UNIX_SHWD                   70             270
TEMP_DELPOOL                   999             270
UKS_ARCHIVE                                    270
UKS_ARCH_PHNX                   10             270
UKS_ARCH_SHWD                   10             270
UKS_COPY_PHNX                  100             270
UKS_DISKPOOL                                   270
UKS_DISKPOOL_COLL                              270
UKS_OFFSITE_COLL                60             270
UKS_ONSITE                      60             270
UKS_ONSITE_COLL                 60             270
UNBOUND_DATA                                   270

You learn something new every day - I never knew you could get friendly
DBA's ;P

Thanks ,

Matt .

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Christian Svensson
                Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 1:45 PM
                To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject: SV: SQL query

                Hi Matt!
                I try your last select command but just only add
stgpools.maxscratch in
                the end of your line.

                select stgpools.stgpool_name,
stgpools.maxscratch,count(*) from
                volumes,stgpools where volumes.stgpool_name in (select
stgpool_name from
                stgpools where devclass='ULTRIUM1') group by

                Result :

                STGPOOL_NAME            MAXSCRATCH      Unnamed[3]
                ------------------     -----------     -----------
                ARCHIVEPOOL                                     11
                BACKUPPOOL                                      11
                COPYPOOL                         3              11
                DISKPOOL                                        11
                SPACEMGPOOL                                     11
                TAPEPOOL                        11              11


                -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
                Fran: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Warren,
                Matthew (Retail)
                Skickat: den 16 januari 2004 14:30
                Till: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Amne: Re: SQL query

                Hi Christian,

                Sorry, I may not have worded my problem very clearly.
Using the
                follwing tables and columns;

                TABLENAME                COLNAME
                ------------------     ------------------
                STGPOOLS               STGPOOL_NAME
                STGPOOLS                DEVCLASS
                STGPOOLS               MAXSCRATCH
                VOLUMES                STGPOOL_NAME

                I would like to find out;

                For every stgpool that has a device class of ultrium1, I
need to know
                the stgpool name, the maxscratch value ((IE: the maximum
number of
                scratch tapes alolwed for use in the pool)) for the
stgpool and a count
                of how many volumes are in the stgpool

                In case it helps (I doubt it :/   )  heres a copy of the
latest attempt
                I made at trying to work it out;

                tsm: CARSINGTON>select stgpools.stgpool_name,
                count(*) from volumes where stgpool_name in (select
stgpool_name from
                stgpools where devclass='ULTRIUM1') group by
                ANR2940E The reference 'STGPOOLS.STGPOOL_NAME' is an
unknown SQL column

                         select stgpools.stgpool_name,
stgpools.maxscratch, count(*) fro

                ANS8001I Return code 3.

                tsm: CARSINGTON>select stgpools.stgpool_name,
                count(*) from volumes,stgpools where stgpool_name in
                stgpool_name from stgpools where devclass='ULTRIUM1')
group by
                ANR2941E The column reference 'STGPOOL_NAME' matches
more than one SQL
                column name.

                         m volumes,stgpools where stgpool_name in
(select stgpool_name f

                ANS8001I Return code 3.

                tsm: CARSINGTON>select stgpools.stgpool_name,
                count(*) from volumes,stgpools where
volumes.stgpool_name in (select
                stgpool_name from stgpools where devclass='ULTRIUM1')
group by
                ANR2941E The column reference 'STGPOOL_NAME' matches
more than one SQL
                column name.

                         from stgpools where devclass='ULTRIUM1' ) group
by stgpool_name

                ANS8001I Return code 3.

                tsm: CARSINGTON>select stgpools.stgpool_name,
                count(*) from volumes,stgpools where
volumes.stgpool_name in (select
                stgpool_name from stgpools where devclass='ULTRIUM1')
group by
                ANR2938E The column 'MAXSCRATCH' is not allowed in this
context; it must
                either be named in the GROUP BY clause or be nested
within an aggregate

                         select stgpools.stgpool_name,
stgpools.maxscratch, count(*) fro

                ANS8001I Return code 3.

                tsm: CARSINGTON>pull hair, gnash teeth

                                -----Original Message-----
                                From: Christian Svensson
                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@EME
                                Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 1:06 PM
                                To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Subject: SV: SQL query

                                Hi Matt!

                                Im not sure what you looking for.
                                But maybe this helps you...
                                Replace YOUR LTOCLASS NAME with the real
Device class

                                select stgpool_name,count(*) as
"Maxscratch" from
                volumes where
                                devclass_name='YOUR LTOCLASS NAME'


                                -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
                                Fran: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
                [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Warren,
                                Matthew (Retail)
                                Skickat: den 16 januari 2004 13:03
                                Till: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Amne: SQL query

                                Hallo TSMers,

                                I think I've mentioned before, my SQL's
not so hot. I'm
                practising all I
                                can, although, I can't seem to crack
this one, or others
                like it;

                                I would like to find out (with SQL if
possible, I could
                do it via script
                                etc.. easy enough) ;

                                For every stgpool that has a device
class of ultrium1;
                the stgpool name,
                                the maxscratch value for the stgpool and
how many
                volumes are in that

                                I'm incredibly hazy on things like
joins, despite having
                read around the
                                subject, and TSM only implements a
cut-down SQL. It is,
                to get
                                technical, doing my head in.



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