I'm probably missing something obvious, but I can't figure out how to
retrieve a file to a new directory while retaining the full path name,
when the beginning of the path name is a mount point.  (I don't know if
my terminology is right--I'm new to the unix world).

For example, I want to retrieve /usr/local/test2 to
/export/home/usr/local/test2.  If /usr is not a mount point, and the
file is in the root filesystem, everything works fine.  But if a
filesystem is mounted on /usr, the retrieved file drops the /usr:

dsmc retrieve -preser=complete -filelist=restflst /export/home/

Retrieving          24,968 /usr/local/test2 --> /export/home/local/test2

Client is TSM 5.1.1 on Solaris 8, server is ADSM on OS/390.

Thanks for any help.

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