Hello John,

          I use this script to get a list of tapes to recover a server when
we do our Business Recovery testing.

     Take care,

Name           Line       Command

----------     ------
BRSLIST2       1          /* provides a list of tape needed to restore a
               2          /* USAGE: 'RUN BRSLIST nodename' */

               10         select distinct
                           e_name from volumeusage where
node_name=upper('$1') order
                           by node_name,stgpool_name,volume_name

-----Original Message-----
From: John Stephens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:30 AM
Subject: SQL Select statement

I have a select statement that will display part of what I want but I cant
seem to make it completely work.
Here is the statement and the output,

select node_name as Node,count(distinct volume_name) as "Tape Pool
Media",count(distinct volume_name) as "Copy Pool Media" from volumeusage
where stgpool_name='TAPEPOOL' or stgpool_name='COPYPOOL'  group by node_name

NODE                   Tape Pool Media     Copy Pool Media
------------------     ---------------     ---------------
411                                  1                   1
5X                                   2                   2
6X                                   1                   1

I would like to have the select display the volumes from the tapepool and
the copypool locations for each node.
How can you build a select statement that will do this?

Thanks for any help


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