somebody may have deleted the userid associated with the subsystem.  When the
subsystem was stopped, the userid was finally released.

Check the subsystem definition with:

lssrc -S -s Clstrmgr

and verify that the userid associated with the subsystem is valid.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 01:41:23PM +0200, tsmadmin account for Excaliber Business 
Solutions wrote:
> Hi There 
> A non TSM related issue but please assist if possible...............
> We are currently running AIX Version HACMP Version
> Everything was going well until we stopped the cluster to update the
> Microcode on the ESS Shark.On restarting the cluster the following
> error occured.
> 0513 - 012 The Clstrmgr Subsystem could not be started.
> The Subsystem's user id could not be established.
> The clsmuxpd and clinfo Subsystem's start okay.
> Can someone please hellp....
> kind regards
> Wahied
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  • Hacmp / TSM tsmadmin account for Excaliber Business Solutions
    • Bob Booth - UIUC

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