Last week, I added a fourth frame onto our 3584, along with 4 new LTO2
tape drives.  I have not defined the new drives in TSM yet, because I'm
still trying to find out the best way to run in a mixed LTO1-LTO2

I've read that in version 5.2.X you do not have to logically partition
your library to use both drives, but I'm still confused about whether I
will need to set up separate device classes and storage pools.

All of my media is LTO1.  Can I simply set my existing device class
format from "DRIVE" to "ultriumc", define the new drives, and just let
things rip?  All I really want to do is let the LTO2's perform like
LTO1's since I'm not using any LTO2 media.

Is anyone running a mixed LTO1-LTO2 environment?  If so, how are you
doing it?

Any help or advice is much appreciated!

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