I have a TSM Client V5.1.6 (NW6) whom I backup incrementally on a nightly basis with my MVS OS/390 2.10, TSM Server 5.1.7.  I received a call from the administrator of this (client)server that he may have a virus on his server and would I retain his backup from 3 nights ago which may be the last good backup pre-virus.  Here are my questions I hope someone who has gone through this before may help me with.

1.  The MC for this client is our default of  3 incremental backups, 1 active and 2 inactive.  I'm pretty sure I will have to rebind all of this nodes files for a specific length of time in order to keep the last good backup for awhile.  Does anyone know if there is an alternative to this?  He has not specified a time-length but I'm assuming it may take at least 3 months to find out if he does have a virus, what files it may have affected.  (This is my guess , I don't even know for sure what type of data he keeps on his server).

2.  What are the possibilities of him restoring the virus accidentally down the line.  For example, he may have a file that only gets changed once a year.  What if 6 months from now he restores this file because it is the last active version and it is infected with the virus.  Would this put the virus back on his system?  Is there anyway I can avoid this from happening?  Does this make sense or am I being a paranoia?

I'll take any helpful opinions or advice I can get.  Thank you in advance!

Shannon Bach
Madison Gas & Electric Co.
Operations Analyst - Data Center Services

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