I originally did not have "ENABLE3590LIBRARY" set in the
dsmserv.opt yesterday afternoon so I halted the server and added it,
then restared.  I was careful when creating the library definition, I
did this:

DEFINE LIBRARY ids02atl1 libtype=349x scratchcategory=501
DEFINE DRIVE ids02atl1 0st
DEFINE DRIVE ids02atl1 1st
DEFINE PATH tsm3.uswash6 ids02atl1 srctype=server desttype=library
DEFINE PATH tsm3.uswash6 0st srctype=server desttype=drive
library=ids02atl1 device=/dev/rmt/0st
DEFINE PATH tsm3.uswash6 1st srctype=server desttype=drive
library=ids02atl1 device=/dev/rmt/1st 

After starting the server with enable3590library, the scratchcategory
still shows 501 though my other two servers have 302 and 402 for the
scratch respectively.  Looking at the manual, it looks like 3590 type
scratch should be the current scratch + 1.

New server:

tsm: TSM3.USWASH6>q library f=d

                  Library Name: IDS02ATL1
                  Library Type: 349X
                        ACS Id:
              Private Category: 500
              Scratch Category: 501
              External Manager:
                        Shared: No
       Primary Library Manager:
                 Serial Number:
Last Update by (administrator): MPFRENCH
         Last Update Date/Time: 02/27/04   01:34:55

Old server:

tsm: TSM2.USWASH6>q library f=d

                  Library Name: IDS02ATL1
                  Library Type: 349X
                        ACS Id:
              Private Category: 400
              Scratch Category: 402
              External Manager:
                        Shared: No
       Primary Library Manager:
                 Serial Number:
Last Update by (administrator): DDCANAN
         Last Update Date/Time: 02/23/00   15:13:23

It still seems to be doing the same thing as before.  I see the tapes
remaining in the primepool this time though, but with 0% utilized after
writing the full tape:

tsm: TSM3.USWASH6>q vol

Volume Name                 Storage        Device        Estimated
Pct     Volume
                            Pool Name      Class Name     Capacity
Util     Status
------------------------    -----------    ----------    ---------
-----    --------
/dev/vx/rdsk/tsmdg/tsmd-    BACKUPPOOL     DISK           69,998.9
90.3    On-Line
/dev/vx/rdsk/tsmdg/tsmd-    BACKUPPOOL     DISK           69,998.9
0.3    On-Line
/dev/vx/rdsk/tsmdg/tsmd-    BACKUPPOOL     DISK           69,998.9
1.1    On-Line
/dev/vx/rdsk/tsmdg/tsmd-    BACKUPPOOL     DISK           69,998.9
0.8    On-Line
/dev/vx/rdsk/tsmdg/tsmd-    BACKUPPOOL     DISK           69,998.9
100.0    On-Line
/dev/vx/rdsk/tsmdg/tsmd-    BACKUPPOOL     DISK           69,998.9
100.0    On-Line
2B0203                      I23590PRIME    3590                0.0
0.0     Empty
2C0328                      I23590PRIME    3590                0.0
0.0     Empty
2C0448                      I23590PRIME    3590                0.0
0.0     Empty

I checked the tapes in after restarting the server with the 3590 option

checkin libv ids02atl1 2b0203 devt=3590 status=scratch

Should I have used the label command instead?  Migration is still
running on a new tapes, but the backuppool has not decreased at all:

tsm: TSM3.USWASH6>q pro

 Process     Process Description      Status
--------     --------------------
      10     Migration                Disk Storage Pool BACKUPPOOL,
Moved Files: 19,
                                       Moved Bytes: 20,480, Unreadable
Files: 0,
                                       Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current
Physical File
                                       (bytes): 211,758,833,664
Current output volume:

tsm: TSM3.USWASH6>q stg

Storage        Device         Estimated      Pct      Pct    High    Low
Next Stora-
Pool Name      Class Name      Capacity     Util     Migr     Mig    Mig
ge Pool
                                   (MB)                       Pct    Pct
-----------    ----------    ----------    -----    -----    ----    ---
ARCHIVEPOOL    DISK                 6.0      0.1      0.0      90     70
BACKUPPOOL     DISK           419,993.4     48.7     48.7      90     30
I23590PRIME    3590                 0.0      0.0      0.0      90     70
SPACEMGPOOL    DISK                 0.0      0.0      0.0      90     70

Maybe the next step is to wait for migration to stop/kill the process (I
updated the stgpool to 90/70), checkout all primepool volumes/delete
them, delete the drives, paths, and the library, then recreate them, and
finally label the tapes again as scratch of type 3590?

Michael French
Savvis Communications
IDS01 Santa Clara, CA
(408)450-7812 -- desk
(408)239-9913 -- mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Sims
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: File size limitation question

>How does TSM handle files that are larger then the tape size? ...

It spans to the next available volume - assuming that there is another
one available.  (The Segment numbers in 'Query CONtent' output reflects

>IBM 3494 Library with 3590E tape drives
>I am using IBM "K" tapes that are 80GB uncompress and somewhere around 
>120-140Gb compressed. ...

Actually, 40 GB uncompressed, with that tape and drive combination.

>... ANR8945W Scratch volume mount failed .
>... ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume
>             available.
>I added a few scratch tapes and it just seems to go through the same 

The messages indicate that you really don't have any scratch tapes. (You
can use the mtlib command to physically verify having such volumes.)
Exactly how did you add scratch tapes?  Ideally, you would have done
'LABEl LIBVolume ... CHECKIN=SCRatch', for the volumes to be labeled
with your drives and their microcode, and associated with the library
definition and ending up with that library's Category Code for 3590
scratch volumes, which is one more than the SCRATCHCATegory value given
in your 'DEFine LIBRary'. (Server option ENABLE3590LIBRARY must also be
in play.)  If all of the above looks okay, verify that your Devclass
specification makes sense for the drives.

  Richard Sims       http://people.bu.edu/rbs

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