I need with my tsm scheduler.  It seems to be wasting alot of time...

I am running TSM 5.1.6 across  fibre,  with 8 clients backing up to a
3583 LTO with 2 drives on a SAN.

I stop and start my client schedulers & the storage agents from cron.

Often a scheduled event, which is due to start at 15:00 will only
begin at 16:30 - despite the fact that it is the first scheduled
event of the day and  is not waiting for drives or resources.

Here are my some settings taken from the dsm.sys on the client:

         errorlogretention 10,D
         nodename        sapdev
         schedmode       polling
         schedlogname    /usr/tivoli/tsm/logs/dsmsched.log
         schedlogretention 4,D
         maxcmdretries  3
         retryperiod    10
         queryschedperiod 1

Can anyone help?

Cecily Hewlett
AIX and TSM Administrator
Cape Town

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