I think it's quite simple. I only ever really do exclude statements, and I
never have to use " " for those, so I assume it's the same for include

Just don't want to find out in two years time that we have files missing.


||   Salak Juraj                 |                                        |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         |                                        |
||   Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor   |   To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
||   Manager"                    |           cc:                          |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      |           Subject:        AW: AW: AW:  |
||                               |   Simple Backup Copy Group Question    |
||   03/17/2004 10:04 AM         |                                        |
||   Please respond to "ADSM:    |                                        |
||   Dist Stor Manager"          |                                        |
||                               |                                        |

>> I actually set up all include / exclude statements within the TSM server

I see, the cloptset editing  interfacece is rather horrific,
it is quite tricky to use "" in cloptsets, isn´t it?


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