you are on the right path, it has to do with parameters parsing,
an issue common to all command line interpreteres, including tsm command
You DEFINE SCRIPT command is interpreted as follows:


        parameter2=select volume_name 
Why it end here? It is a string defined by pair of quotes.

        etc. etc.

Solution: Tell the (dsmadmc) interpreter not to interpret some quotes, e.g.
those two:
                "Volumes to go offsite"
but to accept them as characters.

How to do it?
While many common shells accept an special character for it, e.g. backslash:

"select volume_name \"Volumes to go offsite\", voltype
as \"Volume Type\" from drmedia where state=\"MOUNTABLE \" order by

would be in many shells interpreted like that (numbers mean character number
#) :

1 "     opening quote, defines begining of a string, 
        thus any space characters found within will NOT be interpreted as
2  s    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
3  e    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
4  l    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
5  e    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
6  c    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
7  t    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
8       [space] normall parameter delimiter, but because quoted 
        it is common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
9  v    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
10 o    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
...     etc. etc.
21 \    backlash means: not to interpret the following character but accept
it as a common character
22 "    because of above, do not interpret as quote, only pass it further as
(a part of a ) string
23 V    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
24 o    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
25 l    common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
etc. etc.
115     common character, pass it further as (a part of a ) string
116 "   closing qoute, end of quoted string
117  [space] parameter delimiter, thus the above´s string is to be
understodd as end of one parameter

BUT I am afraid backslash 
does not work this way in dsmadmc interpreter, so you are to use quoting of
quotes instead:

"select volume_name """Volumes to go offsite""", voltype
as """Volume Type""" from drmedia where state="""MOUNTABLE """ order by

Wait - I always have doubts about proper count of """ quotes,
While I guess I made a proper suggestion for this case,
play around, maybe """"" is to be used here instead :-)))

hope I was not annoying

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Smith, Rachel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. März 2004 16:03
Betreff: define script problem


I am trying to create a script that will produce a list of media to send
I defined a script:
DEFINE SCRIPT VAULTING "select volume_name "Volumes to go offsite", voltype
as "Volume Type" from drmedia where state="MOUNTABLE " order by volume_name"
desc="Create vault lists"
And it fails with:  ANR2023E DEFINE SCRIPT: Extraneous parameter

I know it is something to do with the double quotes, but I also tried single
quotes but it failed with the same error.
Could someone tell me what I'm missing.

Thanks again.

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