It is time to upgrade our tape drives - the current lease is coming up for
renewal. I will be replacing LTO-1 SCSI drives with LTO-2 fiber drives. Do I
need to get the AIX 'Control Path Fallover' option for TSM to properly
recognize that there are two paths to a drive and only use one? My current
understanding is that Control Path Fallover will allow TSM to continue a
process running against a particular tape and tape drive on the second path
if the first fails, as opposed to cancelling the process (and possibly
flagging the tape as unavailable).

Realisticly, how often does a path fail in the real world? We currently have
two 2019-F16 switches and will be adding two more with the tape drives. We
also have just the one TSM server and are not currently planning on running
anything LAN-free.


Tom Kauffman

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