This is documented (somewhere) in SAP's BRBACKUP, BRRESTORE, and BRARCHIVE
documentation. There is also a good bit of information in the TDP/R3 manual.

The backup information is kept in /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/back<SID>.log as
pointers to the /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup/<encoded timestamp>.anf, .aff, and
.pnf files with the detailed backup information. Redo log information is
tracked in /oracle/<SID>/saparch/arch<SID>.log as pinters to the
/oracle/<SID>/saparch/<encoded timestamp>.svd files with the detail.

These files are all saved as part of the last 8 files saved on any backup
(SAP calls this group of 8 files the 'protocol' files).

To restore the database in a D/R situation:

1) rebuild or recover the host system.
2) restore the SAP and Oracle executables
3) restore the protocol files for the backup and archive files
4) restore the SAP/Oracle database
5) restore any off-line redo log files required
6) Use Oracle to do a roll-forward recovery

You will want to use two separate management classes for the archiveing of
the redo logs, so that they can be put on separate tapes; this should ensure
that you have at least one usable copy of each redo log.

We quit using sapdba for this process some time back -- we use the br-tools
directly from the command line.

(And ALL of this requires that you've recovered your TSM server first!)

>From our documentation:

Create a list of all archPRD.log files
su - oraprd
backint -p /oracle/PRD/backint/initPRD.utl -f inquire > /tmp/list
(You will not be prompted but enter the following data)
#NULL /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log
when the prompt returns
vi /tmp/list
goto the bottom of the file you should see output similar to:
#BACKUP SAPPRD9B04162101 /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log
#BACKUP SAPPRD9B04162034 /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log
#BACKUP SAPPRD9B04161522 /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log

Restore the most current archPRD.log file that backint can find.

Some of the archPRD.log files will be unavailable because they were not
moved offsite at the time the tape were pulled. Starting at the top of the
file and working down, repeat the following procedure until a file it
su - oraprd
cd /oracle/PRD/saparch
backint -p /oracle/PRD/backint/initPRD.utl -f restore
There will be a display that looks similar to the following:
Please enter the records:
Format:     BackupID        Filename
or          #NULL           Filename
or          BackupID        Filename          Path
or          #NULL           Filename          Path
(Press ENTER after each filename.  Press CTRL-D to finish the list.)
SAPPRD<code> /oracle/PRD/saparch/archPRD.log
where <code> is the coded stamp from the list above.
Press CTRL-D to finish the list.
After pressing <CTRL-D> to finish, the most current copy of the archPRD.log
will be restored.

Restore the most current backPRD.log file that backint can find
su - oraprd
cd /oracle/PRD/sapbackup
backint -p /oracle/PRD/backint/initPRD.utl -f restore
There will be a display that looks similar to the following:
Please enter the records:
Format:     BackupID        Filename
or          #NULL           Filename
or          BackupID        Filename          Path
or          #NULL           Filename          Path
(Press ENTER after each filename.  Press CTRL-D to finish the list.)
#NULL /oracle/PRD/sapbackup/backPRD.log (press enter)
Press CTRL-D to finish the list.
After pressing <CTRL-D> to finish, the most current copy of the backPRD.log
will be restored.

Determine the backup to use.
During a real DR the most current backup, offline or online, will be used.
During a DR test, the test objectives will state what type of backup and
what date is to be used.

su - oraprd
cd /oracle/PRD/sapbackup
tail -100 backPRD.log

This will produce a listing similar to:

bddzorjp anf  2000-11-12 19.01.01  2000-11-12 21.51.43  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------
bddztper anf  2000-11-13 19.01.01  2000-11-13 21.58.23  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------
bddzymzs anf  2000-11-14 19.01.00  2000-11-14 22.01.33  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------
bdeadkuv anf  2000-11-15 19.01.01  2000-11-15 22.04.41  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------
bdeaiipw anf  2000-11-16 19.01.00  2000-11-16 22.16.28  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------
bdeangkz anf  2000-11-17 19.01.01  2000-11-17 22.30.12  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------
bdeatewi aff  2000-11-19 00.01.00  2000-11-19 02.55.40  0  ...............
ALL          offline_force   util_file        ------
bdeaxcbc anf  2000-11-19 19.01.00  2000-11-19 22.07.30  0  ...............
ALL          online          util_file        ------

The first field (bdeaxcbc) is the coded timestamp of the Backup. This is
what uniquely identifies the backup to SAP. The second field is the fid, anf
for online or aff for offline. The third field is the start time of the
backup, the fourth field is the end time of the backup, the fifth field (0)
is the return code.

If this is a true DR note the coded timestamp of the last backup, and
whether it was an online or offline backup. If this is a DR test find the
coded timestamp of the backup to be used and whether it was an online or
offline backup.

Restore the anf or aff logfile
su - oraprd
cd /oracle/PRD/sapbackup
backint -p /oracle/PRD/backint/initPRD.utl -f restore
There will be a display that looks similar to the following:
Please enter the records:
Format:     BackupID        Filename
or          #NULL           Filename
or          BackupID        Filename          Path
or          #NULL           Filename          Path
(Press ENTER after each filename.  Press CTRL-D to finish the list.)
#NULL /oracle/PRD/sapbackup/<coded_timestamp>.<fid>
Press CTRL-D to finish the list.

After pressing <CTRL-D> to finish, the most current copy of the file will be

This step will restore the backup that was found in the "Determine Backup
and logs to use" step.

brrestore -b <coded_timestamp>.<fid> -m full

The restore will start and create any directories needed. If directories are
created you will be prompted to enter <cont> to continue. The date and time
of the backup will be displayed. Verify the date is correct. If the date is
correct enter <cont> otherwise enter <stop>

Continue with the next step while the restore is running.

This step restores the first 25 logs that were found in the "Determine
Backup and logs to use" step (4). It should be run at the same time the
"Restore the database" step is. Only 25 logs at a time can be restored. If
the last log number is more than 25 greater than the current log number,
just restore the first 25 logs.

brrestore -a <current>-<end>

Press <cont> when prompted the first time. The program will then display the
logs it will restore. Verfiy the information is correct and enter <cont>

Our actual recovery process has one procedure for rebuilding the SAP DB
Server at the operating system level, a second procedure for recovering the
non-database files (those not saved by brbackup) and a third for the
database restore and recovery. The excerpt above is from the third procedure
-- which runs to 25 steps total.

My documentation is designed to be complete enough to allow anyone with a
base unix/aix knowledge to do the complete process.

Tom Kauffman

-----Original Message-----
From: Janusz Wiszniowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:30 AM
Subject: TDP for ERP (SAP R/3 on Oracle)

Hello !
I have two questions,

Has anyone of you know, where TDP for ERP (SAP R/3 on Oracle) saves
informations about backups it made (datafiles, redeologs, versions etc.).
Is it in RMAN Catalog (control file of database) or in some flat files,
which resides in SAP directories.

How can I restore SAP in case of full system crash (Disaster Recovery of
SAP R/3). What informations should I have to restore SAP data from TDP for
ERP module (using SAPDBA tool)?
Thanks for help!

Best Regards Janusz

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