I had a working, clustered TDP Exchange scheduler.  Due to an issue, I
had to reset the password on the node.  Since doing that, I have been
unable to get the service to run again.  The service will start briefly
and then stop.  The Event Log shows first a warning ID 4098 (Error
initializing TSM api, unable to verify Registry Password), and ends with
an error ID of 4099 (Scheduler exited with a result code of 12).  I
believe a symptom of the same problem is exhibited when I run the client
manually.  When I do this, I am prompted for the password every time.

I have used the UPDATEPW command to reset the password in the registry.
I have even deleted the registry key beforehand so that I can see that
it is actually being created/updated (it appears to be working as
expected).  Doing a QUERY seems to work ok as well.

I have also deleted the service and recreated it.  I have been careful
to make sure the nodename, clusternode, and clustername parameters are
updated correctly.

Am I missing something obvious here?  Any assistance gratefully
accepted.  Thanks!

Bill Mayo
Network Administrator
Pitt County MIS 

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