I'm trying to setup rman/tdp for Oracle 9i running on an AIX 5.1 system,
Oracle 9.2.X.X.X.
Now in the Solaris world when I tried to setup Oracle 8i to rman/tdp I had
to bring down the tsm instance,
like the $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libobk.so to /usr/lib/libobk.so which linked to:
Then bring the instances backup then I was able to backup to TSM via rman.
However if it was an Oracle 9i database
I was backing up then  I didn't have to bounce the Oracle instances. I
didn't even have to link the library file. I could
just use the SBT_LIBRARY= rman option in my scripts and just point to the
libobk.so library in the tivoli tdp install directory
and it backed up fine. No outage required. Now has that changed in AIX?
Do you need an Oracle bounce even with 9i in AIX?
Please advise

--Justin Richard Bleistein
Unix/TSM Systems Administrator (Sungard Availability Services)
Desk: (856) 566 - 3485
Cell:    (856) 912 - 0861

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