>I'm trying to create raw volumes under linux
>I have a 1700 GB disk called /dev/sdc
>i tried: raw /dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdc
>when trying to add the volume in tsm i get this.
>ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: DEFINE VOLUME
> PM                    POOL01 /dev/raw/raw1 ACCESS=READWRITE FORMATSIZE=1715814
>                       WAIT=NO
>05/01/2004 02:52:22   ANR0984I Process 3 for DEFINE VOLUME started in the
> PM                    BACKGROUND at 02:52:22 PM. (PROCESS: 3)
>05/01/2004 02:52:22   ANR2491I Volume Creation Process starting for /dev/raw/ra
> PM                    w1, Process Id 3. (PROCESS: 3)
>05/01/2004 02:52:23   ANR9999D blkdisk.c(1276): ThreadId<32> Disk /dev/raw/raw1
> PM                    is an unsupported file type - mode flags = 21B0.
>                       Callchain of previous message: 0x08793053  outDiagf+0x203
>                       <- 0x08094459  OpenDisk+0x2f9 <- 0x08093e0d  DiskServerT
>                       hread+0x2d <- 0x0809c53f  StartThread+0x8f <- 0x4005d020
>                       *UNKNOWN* <- 0x40139eca  *UNKNOWN* <-  (PROCESS: 3)
>05/01/2004 02:52:23   ANR2404E DEFINE VOLUME: Volume /dev/raw/raw1 is not
> PM                    available. (PROCESS: 3)
>05/01/2004 02:52:23   ANR0987I Process 3 for DEFINE VOLUME running in the
> PM                    BACKGROUND processed 1 items with a completion state of
>                       FAILURE at 02:52:23 PM. (PROCESS: 3)
>I search the net and the list on how to create and use raw volumes under
>linux but except for the raw command i coulden' find anything. Anyone
>having experience with this?

Otto - I had a look at the Linux Admin Guide: its authors have certainly failed
       to address this area.

The doc leaves it unclear how raw volumes are suppored under Linux, but in AIX
for example, you simply supply such a volume and that TSM uses it.
There is typically no formatting involved with raw volumes, because they are
used in terms of physical blocks.  In your Linux Admin Ref manual, the Define
Volume information, for Formatsize it says:
  "This parameter is optional and valid only for DISK [device class] volumes."
Thus, you should not be using that, and should not be trying to format a raw

It's interesting that the server software didn't detect and intercept the
invalid usage attempt: it should not be that difficult.

   Richard Sims    http://people.bu.edu/rbs

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