>I install TSM4.2.0 on aix433.To use with 3590. I cann't define tape.
>It error
>      'ANR8418E DEFINE LIBRARY: An I/O error occurred while accessing
>                                library 3590LIB'
>         I install atape,Tape 3590 is rmt1 as
>          "rmt0 Available 10-60-00-2,0 SCSI 4mm Tape Drive
>            rmt1 Available 40-60-00-1,0 IBM 3590 Tape Drive and Medium
>            How can i do? Pls help me

Natthakriss - Without knowing what the library type is or what command(s) syntax
              was used, we're at a disadvantage to advise.
Be sure to follow the advice in the error message description - in your 4.2
Messages manual, and general set-up guidance in the Admin Guide manual.
(Note that there is no Define Path in 4.2.).
Pursuit of the problem may be aided by inspection outside of TSM, via a
library-specific command such as 'mtlib', to prove basic access and isolate the

Be sure to take advantage of available set-up doc, particularly:

  "IBM TotalStorage Tape Device Drivers: Installation and User's Guide",
   (GC35-0154) (a renaming of the earlier manual "IBM SCSI Tape Drive, Medium
    Changer, and Library Device Drivers: Installation and User's Guide", of the
    same publication number)

        Available at ftp://ftp.storsys.ibm.com/devdrvr/Doc/
                     (refer to the .message or README file in that directory)
                  or ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/storage/devdrvr/Doc/  as files:
         IBM_TotalStorage_tape_IUG.ps      or  IBM_TotalStorage_tape_IUG.pdf

 Richard Sims, http://people.bu.edu/rbs

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