TSM Server
Server OS AIX 5.1

TSM Client
Client OS Win 2000

One of our nightly backups is running throughout the night and keeping a session open 
until I kill it the next day.  We occasionally have a couple more that have the same 
behavior but is ALWAYS the case with this one particular server.  The session would 
run forever if I didn't kill it.  We have tried restarting services on the client and 
rebooting the client server to no avail.  Support pointed me to APAR IC33672 but 
although we are running in schedmode prompted, none of the other conditions exist for 
us (i.e. server has not bee restarted) and most of our servers are completing 
successfully every night.  Could the issue be with TSM server?  Could an upgrade of 
the client possibly correct the issue?  

Just wanted to see if anyone on the list has experienced this same issue and can shed 
some light on this...please let me know if I need to provide any additional info...

K. Jones
Chesterfield County

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