On Tue, 01 Jun 2004, Andrew Raibeck wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I will, of course, defer to the more real-life experiences of our
> customers; but unless you have a very small number of nodes to deal with,
> trying to use QUERY BACKUP for each and every node name would be a
> relatively challenging effort in coordination. Off-hand, for what you want
> to do, I think dumping the BACKUPS table via SELECT or ODBC driver would
> be easier. That would get you all node names, file spaces, and file names
> (high- and low-level names) in one big file that you can then process as
> you wish.

Dumping the table is what I'd like to do, but I don't want to occupy
the simple database under TSM for the time that it seems like this
could take. I used the gui to get an estimate the largest, most files
node and it returned 990K objects (both files and directories?) and
estimated 105 hours to do a restore of the data. That's a long time.


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