From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Muhammad Sadat
>I have  first client requiring BMR on Windows. I know that cristie BMR
>integrated with Tivoli. I have a question since I have not yet tested
>1- While backups have been taken by Tivoli server, and BMR media
>by Cristie my understanding is as under:
>        Cristie created media be that CD or floppy will initiate the
>restore process.
>        Once temporary OS is installed , the media will contact the TSM
>server and start restore of data and OS files
>        Which means all the control is in the hands of Cristie to let
>Server know what to do.
>While it is integrated with TSM, how would we go about with the
>the GUI in TSM. Would there be some server side component added for
>interfacing or is it inherent?

This is a question better aimed at Christie support.

Mark Stapleton

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