
If the DR tape is still in the library and still marked "readwrite", TSM
will append the new data to it.
If the DR tape has been marked access=OFFSITE, TSM will mount a new scratch
tape to write the new data.

-----Original Message-----
From: Reimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 4:12 PM
Subject: Backup Stgpool behaviour


I would like to understand how the process of backing up primary storage
pool to copy storage pool works in the following situation.

Suppose I've a storage pool called tapepool and a copy storage pool called
disaster-recovery, both sequencial storage pools. After some data migrated
to the tapepool storage pool a BACKUP STGPOOL is executed to copy this
data to disaster-recovery. Some time later, new data are migrated to the
tapepool again and I would like to know what will happen when the second
BACKUP STGPOOL will be executed.

Will TSM ask the last disaster-recovery tape volume and extend it? Or will
TSM ask another tape scracth volume to disaster-recovery and fill it with
only the new files that were last migrated to tapepool?

Thanks in advance!

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