TSM on 2K server.

- We are reinstalling our fileserver (linux).
- The new system must have the same exact hostname and IP.
- Lets call the current system dude1.
- Lets call the new system dude2.
- We want to keep the existing backup of dude1 on the TSM server,
  including all active and inactive files.
- We want to start backing up the new dude2 system while dude1 still
  exists on backups.
- dude1 is totally backed up, all active and inactive files. however,
  dude1 no longer backs up, it is archived (but with inactive files).
- dude2 is backing up normally, active and inactive files, all the while
  dude1 data is still on backups.

Is there any way to do this? I can think of 3 ways, but I'm not sure if
it's possible:

1) Archive dude1. Does archive keep inactive files? Or only active files?
   We have to keep inactive files.

2) In the dsm.sys for dude2, change the nodename for dude2, so that it is
   different from dude1. Then dude1 remains on backups, and dude2 looks
   like a different client to the backup server. Then once the 30 day
   retention expires on deleted files, rename dude2 to dude1 in the
   dsm.sys file back to what it was originally. Does changing the nodename
   delete inactive files, is it the same as performing a new full backup?

3) Change the nodename on all the files for dude1 that are ALREADY IN THE
   DATABASE. Is this even possible?

Anyway, you can see my problem. We need to start backing up the new
system, and keep all the active and inactive files for the old system at
the same time.

Thanks in advance!

---                                                               ---
   Alex Lazarevich | Systems Administrator | Imaging Technology Group
    Beckman Institute | University of Illinois | www.itg.uiuc.edu
---                                                               ---

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