We do this all of the time - it works for us!  And the help for move data
says it works this way.  We are currently running but were
previously at and it worked there also.

It is basically the same way offsite reclamation works.

>From the help:

"You can use this command to move files from an offsite volume in a copy
storage pool. Because the offsite volume cannot be mounted, the server
obtains the files that are on the offsite volume from either a primary
storage pool or another copy storage pool. These files are then written to
the destination volumes in the original copy storage pool."

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-----Original Message-----
From: David Nicholson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 9, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Hey Big Blue....Why not MOVE DATA across copy pools?!?


        I tried a MOVE DATA for offsite data...it did not go after the
data in the primary pool...it wanted to mount the volume in the copy
pool...which was offsite.
        Am I missing something?

Dave Nicholson
Whirlpool Corporation

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