
A command line query node shows the last time the node accessed the server,
so that is what I do use to see a node  is active or not.  But I'm not
working with tons of nodes.

What if you create a "retired" domain for each domain where you have nodes
that will be retired?  After moving a node to the retired domain you won't
have to change its name and your sysadmins what have to change their
memories.  The new domains should be transparent to them.

Domains are free.

Bill Smoldt
STORServer, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 6:38 AM
Subject: How do you handle retired nodes?

Hi Everyone . . . . .

How do you handle retired Nodes?

When a server (tsm client node) is retired, we need to keep the TSM node
around until all backups are expired.  This can be anywhere from a couple
months to years depending on policies.  This is normal, but we are going
through a server consolidation project that is generating tons of
retired servers.

Retired nodes need to:
  - be around for restores
  - hang around until all data is expired (months or even years)
  - keep track of  them for when they can be deleted
  - remember to exclude them when you are playing with  lists of "active"

At first, we just disassociated the node from it's schedule and changed
contact field to indicate it's retired status.  Very quickly we found that
was no quick/easy way to tell active clients from retired clients.  Next,
started to change the node name by adding a prefix to indicate the
retired status.  This has been good from our tsm admin point of view, but
now the system admins don't know the node name for restores (or at least
don't remember the new name that we tell them).

This seems to be a problem categorizing nodes.  TSM wants to categorize
nodes by domain.  It doesn't seem to have a way to categorize nodes
within a domain.

Question:  What do you do?



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