
You might want to read through the section in
Chapter 1 called "SQL Server database backup".
It talks about the different types of SQL Server backups,
including how to back up the log.

You can't think of SQL server backups as "files".
They are "blobs" of data that are stored on the TSM Server.
Only SQL Server knows what those "blobs" of data mean.
Data Protection for SQL reads the data from SQL Server
and stores it on the TSM Server.

As far as INCLUDE/EXCLUDE lists... Did you check Appendix C?
There is a section titled: "Sample include/exclude statements"
It gives you extensive detail on how to code your

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/17/2004
04:05:44 AM:

> Hi people,
>         Have just installed TDP for SQL on a test server using W2K
> operating system and SQL Server 2000. I have used the default options
> to set the client options. The users have asked me to include the
> up of the transaction logs as well. Searching through the documentation
> did not appear to find any examples of how to do this nor what the file
> extension is/should be. I was of the opinion it was *txn. Could somebody
> please confirm or refute this for me please and also give me an example
> how to code an include statement if required (will be running full
> backups).
> Thanking you people for your help in the past and hopefully in the

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