>>click your heels three times and repeat, >>there's no place like home >>there's no place like home >>there's no place like home >> >> >>:)
>I HATE you Richard! Um, you really need to inspect the From address in email, where you would see that I did not advise Dorothy emulation. That response was from another List member...who was undoubtedly frustrated at receiving yet another broadcast request on how to get off the mailing list from people who have discarded the information they received upon joinin.g I summarize in ADSM QuickFacts the various sources of information about how to properly quit the List, and portals for doing so. The info: (Note that the process of subscribing and unsubscribing is explained in the introductory information you received when you joined the List... which you were supposed to save; in the TSM Backup-Archive client manuals, under "Online forum"; in the product upgrade README files; in the Monthly TSM FAQ; on the IBM Tivoli Communities web page www.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/Tivoli_Communities.html) Richard Sims, slighted but recovering