1). Are the dsmsrv.opt compatible across 5.1 to a 5.2 TSM release
2). Will the upgradedb auto-invoke when I attempt to bring up the 5.2 server pointing 
to the old 5.1 database
3). If not, where is it.....upgradedb is not found on the server. Would it be 
explicitly invoked prior to bringing up the 5.2 server as in dsmc upgradedb?
4). Are there any things that should be done prior to migration, such as an audit db 
on the 5.1 TSM db

My plan is below for the AIX environment. Any helpful comments would be useful:

Upgrade TSM steps:

Current setup:
*        TSM Server Version 5, Release 1, Level 6.1
*       AIX

Migrating to:
*        TSM Server Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.0TSM Server
*       AIX

All current storage of disk based volume groups and TSM DB is on SSA disk.

Migration scenario:

*       Stop all scheduled processes on old server
*       Back up TSM db on old server
*       Halt  both servers

*       Move from old to new server /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/
o       Dsmserv.opt
o       Dsmserv.sys
o       Dsmserv.dsk

*       Move from old to new server /home/root/tsmfiles/
o       Inclexcl.list (for client)
o       Dsm.opt (for client)

*       Export SSA disk on current TSM server
*       Import SSA disk on replacement server running TSM 5.2
*       Verify all volume groups and mount points are set.
*       Start new server (is upgradedb invoked?)

*       Bring over tape libraries
*       Recycle node and TSM server

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