
This is normal.
SQL Server is pre-formatting the files in preparation for the restore.
Data Protection for SQL restores a small bit of information that
the SQL Server requires to properly set up and preformat the files.
After that, Data Protection for SQL must wait around until the
SQL Server starts requesting more data to fill the files.
There is a README entry and a User's Guide note about this:

  We recommend that the COMMTIMEOUT value on the TSM Server be
  set to at least 600 seconds. The SQL Server must preformat the database
  files prior to restoring the database in those files. This occurs
  after a small amount of data has already been restored from the
  TSM Server. When restoring very large databases, it may be necessary
  to set COMMTIMEOUT to even larger values than 600. Failure to do
  so may result in restores that fail due to a severed TCP/IP connection
  caused by the TSM Server thinking that DP for SQL is hung.




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/30/2004
03:50:00 PM:

> One of my users is trying to restore a 22 gig MSSQL database using TDP
> v5.2.1. The entire restore is taking several hours from start to finish
> I have no idea why. I've watched the process and once it mounts the tape
> (the whole DB fits on 1 tape) ,it just sits for usually hours and
> to do nothing. Any clues why this is taking so long? We are running our
> server under AIX 5.1 if it matters. Any suggestion on what to
> at?
> Thanks,
> John

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