I have two Solaris 8 servers, each installed with the 5.1 client (though
neither installed by myself).

One server has the Web client enabled from port 1501, and works fine.

The other server is also listening on 1501, but a JRE 1.3.1-installed browser

java.lang.ClassNtFoundException: COM.ibm.storage.adsm.cadmin.clientgui.DDsmApplet.class

dsmerror.log details the following error;

08/07/04   13:05:39 Error opening input file 

However that class file (and the path from /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin)is
not set, nor is DDsmApplet.class elsewhere on the server.

Neither is it on the client that does work(?).

In every other regard the clients are identical.

Anyone any clues forfurther investigation?

Many thanks


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