mm well it goes like this:

1- You are cost conscious:
      a- take on-line image backup of systems, even if you are talking
about DR.
      b- it has the same sort of effect as with BMR but in different
perspective.  Yes BMR applies the rest of the backups itself unlike in
Image backups.
      c- While taking image backups, You are not creating floppies or CDs
or keeping CDs for entire organization. What if floppy goes bad?

      d- ASR is with Windows 2003 and Windows XP only.
      e- It is also a BMR procedure for these OSes.
      f- You are right about ASR.

      g- Remember TSM DR is for TSM Server only.
      h- You keep the entire organization's machines info in DR Manager so
that you can keep track of how to go about restore of those other machines.
      i- Once Server is up there is no problem restoring other machines in
your organization

      j- ASR is different than image, and image is not used in ASR

2- You are not cost conscious:
      a- Cristie BRM is the solution for you.
      b- IDR is the solution for you for windows only OSes. Please confirm
this point from veritas or someone on this list.
      c- CBMR or IDR will apply required backups automatically for any
point in time.

Muhammad SaDaT Anwar
Product Specialist
Systems Management & Data Management Products
Info Tech (Pvt) Limited
108, Business Avenue,
Main Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi, Pakistan
Ph: +92-21-111-427-427 Fax: +92-21-4310569
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             Henrik Wahlstedt                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             >                                                          To
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                           
             Dist Stor                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
             Manager"                                                   cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             07/21/2004 03:24                                          
             PM                                                    Subject
                                       TSM DR vs Veritas IDR           
             Please respond to                                         
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                          
              Manager" <ADSM                                           
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                         

It depends what you want to do (BMR?) with your online images. I dont think
of  TSM backup images is an alternative to ASR or application X or

I´m not sure you can use TSM backup images with ASR in disaster recovery
senario. Can anyone shed some light here pls?
With ASR you either choose a restore from your TSM server or a local backup

The drawback you are talking about will exist for CBMR etc. It´s only a
matter of backup frequency.


Besides !! TSM also provide online image backup of systems. If you are
cost concious then go for the built in feature of TSM client for taking
online image backup.

This takes up the entire partitions of the system and keep as an image.

 When you want to restore, just take your harddisk to other system,
restore image to the partition of your hard disk, activate the partition
voilla you go !!! Everything is back there !.

Drawback inthe above approach would be: You will have to restore the
backups that you had taken after your image backup.

In CBMR or IDR, the good point is that you don't have to worry about
taking your hdd to other system or apply backups to reach the latest
backed up point.

provides things builtin, no need to purchase anything if you want open
file and online image support.

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