Hello TSMer's

Last night 2 of our Novell clients nodes failed with a return code 12,
total number of objects failed were over 3,000 from each. (see server
Act log below)
Anyone ever seen  this type of occurrence before?

Thanks for any help/advice in advance!

TSM Novell client 5.2.2
Netware OS 5.1 SP6
TSM Server Version

07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4952I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects inspected:  695,351
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4954I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects backed up:    2,088
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4958I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects updated:          0
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4960I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects rebound:          0
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4957I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects deleted:          0
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4970I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects expired:         24
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4959I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxxx)  Total
number of
                       objects failed:
07/28/04 05:50:27     ANE4961I (Session: 55283, Node: xxxxxxxx  Total
number of
                       bytes transferred:  2.22 GB

07/28/04 05:50:27     ANR2579E Schedule MIDNIGHT in domain PRODUCTION
for node
                      xxxxxxxx failed (return code 12).

07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4952I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx)  Total
number of o
                       bjects inspected:  332,794
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4954I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx)  Total
number of o
                       bjects backed up:    1,076
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4958I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx  Total
number of o
                       bjects updated:          0
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4960I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx)  Total
number of o
                       bjects rebound:          0
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4957I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx)  Total
number of o
                       bjects deleted:          0
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4970I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx)  Total
number of o
                       bjects expired:          5
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4959I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx  Total
number of o
                       bjects failed:       3,431
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4961I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx)  Total
number of b
                       ytes transferred: 280.00 MB
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANE4964I (Session: 55270, Node: xxxxx Elapsed
                       time:            04:42:59
07/28/04 06:11:03     ANR2579E Schedule MIDNIGHT in domain PRODUCTION
for node
                      xxxxx failed (return code 12).

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