From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of Bill Boyer
>This box is going production in a week and the backups dont' 
>work now! Even
>though it's a SQL error that is being returned, the DBA's 
>point to TSM. So it's up to me to fix it.

This is the default behavior of application owners. "It's not my fault!"

>This is the KB article that level-2 referred to in my PMR. The DBA says
>that's not the problem. They are using TCP, not named-pipes. 
>The DBA says he can back up the database via SQL Server manager, so 
>it's not a SQL problem!

I've read somewhere (can't remember where, but it wasn't from Microsoft)
that the best practice when you want to change static addresses for a MS
cluster is to backup the data, blow away and rebuild Windows and the
app(s), and restore the data. Changing the IP address at the NIC level
leaves not-so-easily-found registry entries unchanged.

One suggestion (FWIW) is to determine what the virtual interface's
address was prior to the address change, and look for that address with
regedit. I don't know whether you should manually change that registry
entry, but you can at least show the SQL-heads that something didn't get
updated correctly.

Mark Stapleton

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