Good Morning Richard,

I don't see anything pertinent in the dsmerror.log or dsmsched.log.  The
opt (tsm server) and inclexcl looks clean but I attached them if you
want a peek.  

My search continues.  Thanks for the hints however.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Sims
Sent: August 13, 2004 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: incremental backup question

>I've been looking and looking but don't see how they are being targeted
>even before I sent out my question.  The schedule is squeaky clean.  I
>even created a brand new schedule just for this one and ran it this
>afternoon.  The same thing happened.
>I will keep looking and thanks for responding.

Ralph - Your postings suggest that you've been looking at client-based
        but that may not tell you the whole story.  It's best to do
dsmc q inclexcl    and   dsmc q opt
to check what TSM believes is the set-up for that client, which will
any server-side client options.  And, of course, check the dsmerror.log
server Activity Log for any clues as to processing method.

    Richard Sims

Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface - Version 5, Release 1, Level 7.0 
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2004 All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: NYCSSFS001
Session established with server ADSM001: AIX-RS/6000
  Server Version 5, Release 1, Level 9.0
  Data compression forced on by the server
  Server date/time: 08/13/2004 08:17:33  Last access: 08/13/2004 08:16:13

Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
Excl Directory *\Users\...\...\ntmigration*   dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\Users\...\ntmigration*       dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\Recycled                     dsm.opt
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Excl Directory *\...\ntds                     dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\...\ntfrs\jet                dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\...\system32\config          dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\...\system32\dhcp            dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\...\system32\LServer         dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\...\system32\wins            dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\RECYCLER*                    dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\...\Temporary Internet files* dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\WINNT\Profiles\...\Temporary Internet files\Content.IE5* dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\Documents and Settings\...\Local Settings\Temp* dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\PROGRAM FILES\Microsoft Operations Manager 2000\netiq\temp* dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\WINNT\Temp*                  dsm.opt
Excl Directory *\temp*                        dsm.opt
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\NtmsData\...\* Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\metabase.xml Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\metabase.bin Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\mbschema.xml Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\System32\DTCLog\MSDTC.LOG Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\system.log Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\system.alt Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\system Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\software.log Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\software Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\security.log Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\security Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\sam.log Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\sam   Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\default.log Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\system32\config\default Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\schedlgu.txt          Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\registration\*.clb    Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\netlogon.chg          Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\debug\*               Operating System
Excl All       C:\WINNT\csc\...\*             Operating System
Excl All       C:\DOCUME~1\TEMPIH~1.007\LOCALS~1\Temp\5\...\* Operating System
Excl All       C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP.IHESS.007\...\index.dat Operating System
Excl All       C:\adsm.sys\...\*              Operating System
Excl All       *\Pagefile.sys                 Operating System
Excl All       *\hiberfil.sys                 Operating System
Excl All       *\...\*.crmlog                 Operating System
Excl All       *\Users\...\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\Personal\*.pst     dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\Personal\REX\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\Personal\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\MSOFFICE\MSOFFICE\...\...\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\...\speechnet\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\...\speechnet\...\...\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\...\Outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\Outlook\*.pst  dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\Outlook\*.pst      dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\2K_Mig_old\...\outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\2K_Mig\...\outlook\pst\...\...\...\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\...\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\contacts\*.pst     dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\EXCHANGE\*.pst     dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\EXCHANGE\exchange\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\Exchange\OLD PST'S\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\Exchange\Personal Mail Folder\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\Exchange\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\JOHN'S             dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\TEMP\*.pst         dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\New Folder\*.pst   dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\Old_E\...\...\...\...\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\desktop\Outlook\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\desktop\...\*.pst  dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\desktop\personal\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\desktop\...\...\...\...\*.pst dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\...\*.pst      dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\...\*.pst          dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Users\...\*.pst              dsm.opt
Excl All       *\smsdata\sms.db               dsm.opt
Excl All       *\MSSQL$IN01\data\*.*          dsm.opt
Excl All       *\mssql7\data\*.*              dsm.opt
Excl All       *\mssql\data\*.*               dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\...\usrclass.dat dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\...\usrclass.dat.LOG dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\...\ntuser.dat dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\...\ntuser.dat.LOG dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\Perflib*.dat    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\Profiles\...\ntuser.dat* dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\...\*    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\IO.SYS                       dsm.opt
Excl All       *\MSDOS.SYS                    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\EA DATA. SF              dsm.opt
Excl All       *\microsoft uam volume\...\*.* dsm.opt
Excl All       *\microsoft uam volume\...\*   dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Program Files\Sophos SWEEP for NT\INTERCHK.CHK dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\SMSCliSvcAcct&\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\SMSCliSvcAcct&\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\antivirus\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\antivirus\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat dsm.opt
Excl All       *\WINNT\CDO*.mmp               dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Program Files\Microsoft Operations Manager 2000\OnePoint\Mission 
Critical Software\OnePoint\AHC Configuration Group\EvtCons dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Program Files\Microsoft Operations Manager 2000\OnePoint\Mission 
Critical Software\OnePoint\AHC Configuration Group\*.pqf dsm.opt
Excl All       *\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Mission Critical 
Software\OnePoint\AHC Configuration Group\* dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\ntuser.dat.log           dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\ntuser.dat               dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\...\security    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\...\software    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\...\sam         dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\...\system      dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\...\default     dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\system32\config\*.*      dsm.opt
Excl All       C:\...\Plus!\...\cache\*.*     dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\*.dsm                    dsm.opt
Excl All       C:\IBMDOS.COM                  dsm.opt
Excl All       C:\IBMBIO.COM                  dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\*.sym                    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\*.par                    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\386spart.par             dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\win386.swp               dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\*.swp                    dsm.opt
Excl All       *\...\pagefile.sys             dsm.opt
Incl All       *\adsm.sys\*.*                 dsm.opt
Incl All       C:\...\*.*                     dsm.opt
Incl All       *\...\*                        dsm.opt
Incl SystemObject ALL                            dsm.opt
No DFS include/exclude statements defined.
Server Option         Option Setting           Server Option         Option Setting    
-----------------     --------------------     -----------------     
CommTimeOut           240                      IdleTimeOut           180               
BufPoolSize           65536                    LogPoolSize           8192              
MessageFormat         1                        Language              en_US             
Alias Halt            HALT                     MaxSessions           200               
ExpInterval           0                        ExpQuiet              No                
EventServer           Yes                      MirrorRead DB         Normal            
MirrorRead LOG        Normal                   MirrorWrite DB        Sequential        
MirrorWrite LOG       Parallel                 VolumeHistory         
VolumeHistory         /adsmserv/db/volhis-     VolumeHistory         
                       t.out                                          st.out           
Devconfig             /usr/tivoli/tsm/ser-     Devconfig             
                       ver/bin/devconf.out                            f.out            
Devconfig             /adsmserv/dbm/devco-     TxnGroupMax           256               
MoveBatchSize         1000                     MoveSizeThresh        500               
StatusMsgCnt          10                       RestoreInterval       1,440             
UseLargeBuffers       Yes                      DisableScheds         No                
NOBUFPREfetch         No                       AuditStorage          Yes               
REQSYSauthoutfile     Yes                      SELFTUNEBUFpools-     Yes               
SELFTUNETXNsize       Yes                      DBPAGEShadow          No                
DBPAGESHADOWFile      dbpgshdw.bdt             QueryAuth             None              
LogWarnFullPerCe-     90                       ThroughPutDataTh-     0                 
 nt                                             reshold                                
ThroughPutTimeTh-     0                        NOPREEMPT             ( No )            
Resource Timeout      60                       TEC UTF8 Events       No                
TCPPort               1500                     HTTPPort              1580              
TCPWindowsize         1048576                  TCPBufsize            16384             
TCPNoDelay            Yes                      CommMethod            TCPIP             
CommMethod            HTTP                     MsgInterval           1                 
ShmPort               1510                     FileExit                                
UserExit                                       FileTextExit                            
AssistVCRRecovery     Yes                      AcsAccessId                             
AcsTimeoutX           1                        AcsLockDrive          No                
AcsQuickInit          No                       SNMPSubagentPort      1521              
SNMPSubagentHost                SNMPHeartBeatInt      5                 
TECHost                                        TECPort               0                 
UNIQUETECevents       No                       UNIQUETDPTECeven-     No                
Async I/O             No                       Direct I/O            Yes               
SHAREDLIBIDLE         No                       3494Shared            No                
Enable3590Library     Yes                                                              

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