When I issue  q event * * exceptipnsonly=yes I get
tsm: SPADAB-PROD>q event * * exceptionsonly=yes
Scheduled Start      Actual Start         Schedule Name Node Name     Status
-------------------- -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------
09/08/2004 03:00:00                       INCRBACK3     SFFPROD2DB    Missed
09/08/2004 05:00:00                       INCRBACK1     STMFSPAS01AD- Missed
09/08/2004 05:00:00  09/08/2004 05:00:21  INCRBACK1     STMFSPAS01EX- Failed
09/08/2004 05:00:00  09/08/2004 05:33:21  INCRBACK1     STMFSPAS01EX- Failed
09/08/2004 05:00:00  09/08/2004 05:00:33  PRIME_POSTSC- PRIMEDB1      Failed
09/08/2004 05:00:00                       PRIME_POSTSC- PRIMEDB2      Missed
09/08/2004 07:00:00  09/08/2004 08:33:35  REST_OBTAIN   SP77777WS210  Failed
However some of my schedule and nodenames are too long to fit within the Schedule Name 
and Node Name row, so I get a line with just a few charachters in the output
I want it to look something like:
Scheduled Start         Actual Start                  Schedule Name                    
     Node Name                Status
--------------------            --------------------                -------------      
                             -------------                   ------
09/08/2004 05:00:00                                      INCRBACK1                     
          STMFSPAS01AD001 Missed
09/08/2004 05:00:00    09/08/2004 05:00:21    INCRBACK1                                
STMFSPAS01EX002 Failed
09/08/2004 05:00:00    09/08/2004 05:33:21    INCRBACK1                                
STMFSPAS01EX005 Failed
09/08/2004 05:00:00    09/08/2004 05:00:33    PRIME_POSTSCHEDULE_CMD   PRIMEDB1        

I looked at select * from events but I only see the most recent events there
Is there a way to increase the number of charachters in the rows?
Niklas Lundström

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