Perl is installed by default with the NT resource kits and active perl has become a 
pretty standard language for Windows.  You don't need to install anything from cygwin. 
 Also you can use acitve states perl devlopers kit to complie a *.pl into an *.exe and 
then you don't even need to install perl on a windows system.

Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Deon George wrote:

> I started writing a perl script once upon a time ago to do exactly that -
> a customer wanted to know what wasnt going into TSM... So this script
> might do what you want YMMV - its been a while, so it might need some fine
> tuning:
> I wrote it on Linux, with the intention that it run on Unix systems - so
> you might need to do some cleanup for it to work on other OS'es...
> It's available here if you are interested
> If you make any
> enhancements, please upload them!

I'll look at the script, thanks. I specifically didn't do perl this
time since the program will run in windows boxes and I didn't want
to install all of cygwin just to do this task. If this functionality
were native to dsmc, where all the data is anyway, things would be
more easy.


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